8-Bit Symphony Pro Complete - Rare Cassette Box-set

Regular price £69.99

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With only 50 copies created in the entire world so far and only 10 on sale in this batch left over from the 8-Bit Symphony Pro: Second Half Mega-VIP pledge level, this is a box-set with 4 beautiful cassette tapes in a slipcase signed by Rob Hubbard, Chris Abbott and Robin Tait.

Each cassette contains a luxurious fold-out booklet that just keeps on folding out, and the same beautiful artwork as the CDs. The tapes are packaged in two double-cassette cases (cello wrapped).

Cassettes 1 and 2 contain 8-Bit Symphony Pro: First Half and Cassettes 3 and 4 contain 8-Bit Symphony Pro: Second Half for over four hours of cassette-y, feelable goodness.